haha well i have seen the guardian
movie everywhere and we will have to watch it! and that makes me very happy
that the people are coming together! it helps!
Monday: well i finnally had time to
write the fam sanchez so hopefully i will be able to get them to them soon! and
we also put a baptism date with our investigator Raul. haha he is a very humble
guy and doesnt know how to read and its pretty hard for him to understand but
he wants to get baptized so its super sweet! he eats lunch and spends the
day and one of the members house and so we can teach him every single day! haha
its way cool to see him grow! and we also found a new famiy to teach. the
parents of the mom were all baptized but she never did and so we are teaching
her and her husband and they are super nice and beilieve in God a lot! haha
there son surived a brain hernia and it was a miracle that he survived and so
they are believers!!
so we prepared for the zone
meeting and set everything up i the mornign and the we had Presidente Kähnlein
come and look at an apartment with us that is way close that we are probably
going to move to pretty soon! then we were able to teach Eduardo. haha well
that was the first lesson where i have been quite direct with someone about the
gospel. but the spirit was super strong. we had to kind of lay out the stuff on
the table and tell it to him straight becasue he had some wierd beliefs but we
just let it go because he said he wanted to get baptized but now he is clinging
on to those things and it impiding him from getting baptized. but the spirit
was super strong and he said he was going to get down on his knees and pray to
be able to pay his tithing. WITH FAITH NO MAS!!!
so we had the zone meeting and it
was super good! haha its so fun to be able to presente everything and help the
missionaries learn. hahah but seriously it just wiped me out. ahhah like
spiritually! hahahi it is slightly incredible how tired you are after. ahha
we werent able to teach raul because he had to got to the hospital
because he has high blood pressure. but we did teach our other investigator and
we have to teach him with drawing the lessons out on post it notes but it
works! haha! and we taught Elias. the son. and he is way excited to be baptized
and be a member!!!
weekly planning. so we do have that
stand thing now so we are able to do that during the day now and it is helping
we have it right in front of a bus stop and so we talk to them when they are
waiting. its good! and then we taught the bernal family adn they are all super
good. hahah we had solange prepare a taught about repentance adn she did way
good on it and then we taught them about faith. it was kind of a short day.
haha we also are teaching englihs and Piano class! MOM could you send me some
piano stuff! really simple? and in spanish if you can find it! that would be
we had splits and i was with elder
hansen who is from enterprise utah. we went to a ward activity with raul and had
some food and learned about doing stuff around the house! haha it was fun. haha
and raul was able get to know a little more of the members! and then we taught
that family from monday again! ahaha her sons were there and we were able to
watch "because of him!" with them and we got to know them and it
turns out that elder hansen´s uncle baptized the mom and dad of the mom of this
family like thirty years ago! haha what a small world!!!
we taught raul about the atonement
and the we also taught elias and his dad in a family home evening with a family
in the ward and we taught them restoration adn it was super fun and then me and
my comp had to run home. hahah we actually to the bus that we took home. haha
so we fasted as a zone from saturday to sunday and i seriously have never
recieved so much food in my life. and we couldnt eat any of it. haha we ended
the day with a bag of chocolate banana, organge, apple cake thing, alfajores,
fanta, and a pineapple juice box! haha so crazy!!
we church was interesting. so raul
came to church and felt really bad from his high blood pressure. so one of the
member ended up taking him tot he hospital and when he got there his heart beat
was a 185. and this guy is 70 years old. so that was kind of scary. and elias
the son came to church and he want to pass the sacrament! haha its so crayz! he
is way good! we did the stand thing and found 2 goood people and then we taught
elias and elias the word of wisdom and the dad was a drug dealer like 20 years
ago but he is now clean and he gave us all his cofee and tea so he is now
currently living the word of wisdom! haha Point for team MOROMON! we taught
raul a really short lesson and then went to a lesson with the quorom president
to a family less active and the mom just got back blood results way bad. her
blood is basically acid and so it was kind of a sad lesson but we are going to
start passing by there house quite a bit now. and then we taught the fam.
bernal. cony and alex gave little talks about baptism and faith and the the
bishop came with us to the lesson that we had with them and gave a blessing on
there house. ahha what a day.
love you mom and i just want you to
know that i included you josie dad and ely in my fast and i know that the more
we sacrifice the more the Lord blesses us! have faith!
I LOVE YOU MOM and thank you for
your excitement!
Elder Ethington